Progress is good

A lot happened between last Friday and now. The twitter scrolling habit I’d long kicked came roaring back in a big way and any downtime I had was spent looking at twitter (or X, whatever).

On one hand, it was for a positive reason! People are excited for Kamala Harris, and so am I. Especially given the hellscape-shaped alternative. As the people I follow were saying, it wasn’t doom scrolling for once, it was hope scrolling.

On the other hand…it’s still mindless, and it prevented me from thinking about anything. The books, ideas, nothing. All of it replaced by other people’s opinions, and none of it urgent or really that important. And despite how fun and silly it’s all been the last week…that really sucks!

If I’m being honest I got basically nothing accomplished, creatively, all week. So now it’s time to get back to it. I’m going to be happy with 100 words a day this week. Which is not much, but it’s progress. And progress seems to have been the theme this past week.


Small update


Big week.